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Raking Leaves in New Hampshire You On Here » Raking Leaves in New Hampshire

By Mark J. Donovan

I spent the better part of today raking leaves up at my home on Lake Winnipesaukee in New Hampshire. I had been told there were a lot of leaves in the yard, but I was still shocked at just how many were on the ground when I arrived upon the scene today. The entire lawn was completely covered in a dense layer of leaves.

As I raked the leaves today, I came to the conclusion that due to all of the rain we had had this past spring and early summer there must have been an increase in leaf production on the trees this year, if not in the quantity of leaves at least in the size of the leaves. For years I have piled raked leaves in the same location. This year the pile was 2x the normal size before I decided to stop piling the leaves in this spot.

I also broke one leaf rake in half, and heard the second one crack as I wrapped up the job. The leaves were dry, but just the sheer volume was too much for my rakes to take.

I also noticed that my gutters were completely stuffed with fallen leaves. Consequently, I found myself up on the ladder digging out leaves from the gutters as well. I then had to use a leaf blower to blow the leaves off of the deck and then finally clean them up with my rake.

Suffice it to say it was quite the project. But it is done and I actually enjoyed the fresh air and exercise. To boot, the yard looks great and the home is finally ready for the onslaught of another New Hampshire winter.

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