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House on the Market? How to Get that Extra Dollar! You On Here » House on the Market? How to Get that Extra Dollar!

First impressions are everything so you need to create street appeal, get into the garden, cut back any overgrown trees, shrubs or climbers. Trim hedges and make sure you can get to the front door. Hose down the house, get rid of all the dirt, cobwebs and anything else lurking under the eaves. Wash the windows, inside and out, repair any damaged glass.

Put good looking well cared for plants at your entrance. Perhaps some flowers in a pot, they always look cheery. Get rid of anything dead and give the entry a good sweep and hose down. If necessary, paint or stain the steps. Replace any broken tiles, or spray for mould or slippery greenery that may be living there. Make your entrance inviting.

Make sure you have done the dishes. Don't just hide them in the dishwasher, people look everywhere, and the last thing you want is last night's curry to scare them off! Give your cupboards a clean out, (saves time when you have to shift too!) it will give the impression that there is heaps of space if everything fits nicely.

Get out the duster and go in search of cobwebs, while you are looking, check out for any mould or childrens paintings on the walls! Then get rid of them.

Make sure all the curtains and blinds are open, an let as much sunlight in as possible. Be carefull with opening windows as you don't want the wind to come up and blast the prospective buyers away. Make the beds and put all your dirty washing in the laundry. A real turn off is the last weeks clothing all over the floor.

Keep the kitchen clean and tidy, add a bowl of fresh fruit or a vase of fresh flowers to create a pleasant aroma. Some say to put the coffee on, but that smell can be a little overwelming. If in doubt keep it simple. Play some soft background music, very quietly - better to be subtle with this idea.

Make sure all the door handles, and window catches work, and that they can be opened easily. It will give the impression of a well maintained home.

To make your house look that little bit bigger, remove most of your knick knacks off horizontal surfaces, this will create a more open look. Remove any excess furniture or clutter, Ie the exercycle in front of the TV (put in in the garage for a few weeks).

If you have kids, designate one area for them to play in for the duration your house is on the market (near impossible) but will save having to go through the whole house picking up toys when the phone goes with a prospective buyer to visit!

Pets - keep their food out of sight. This should hopefully keep away any passing flies or insects. Plus the smell can sometimes be unpleasant, especially if your cat loves sardines! Clear away any rubbish around the entire house, empty all wastepaper bins inside, nappy bins, recycling bins, green waste, and have a garage sale to get rid off all that stuff you've been hoarding to use on a rainy day!

Place fresh matching towels in the bathrooms, make sure mirrors are clean. Check that none of your taps leak. Don't have a shower before the buyers come through, this will make the room feel damp.

Light some mildly scented candles in the living room, scatter some designer cushions and a throw for effect, turn on your lamps for creating the mood.

If it is winter, have the fire going as this always make the home look cosy. No fire? - then have the heaters going to ensure the home is warm. (The opposite in the heat of summer obviously! Have the air conditioning or fans on to make the house feel comfortable before they get there).

Mow the lawns, trim the edges, chase out the weeds and you should be ready to get that extra few dollars for a well presented home.

Good luck and happy selling!

About the Author: Lee Brown is an experienced professional designer and co founder of interiordezine.com, a website dedicated to providing free interior design and decorating information. Go and look at interiordezine.com to see if you can answer some of your home decorating questions now!

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